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How to access TriboSolver Online?

To get access to TriboSolver Online you need to become a customer, login to your account and use a main menu item TriboSolver Online. 

How to get TriboSolver Desktop Application?

To get access to TriboSolver Desktop Application you need to become a customer, login to your account and use a main menu item TriboSolver Desktop Application. 

What is the difference between TriboSolver Online and TriboSolver Desktop Application?

TriboSolver Online and TriboSolver Desktop Application are powered by the exact same simulation engine, thus results obtained are identical. The difference is in the user interface, but also access to the set up. TriboSolver Online is a web application, while theother one is a regular desktop application. 

Sometimes it is more convenient to use an online tool, e.g., for quick simualtions that do not require a lot of computational resources. On the other hand, the advantage of the Desktop Application is that it can be run on computational clusters. On top of it, desktop application can be called from your own codes, e.g., MATLAB or Python. 

How can I use TriboSolver in my own code?

TriboSolver Desktop Application can be called in your own applications, e.g., MATLAB or Python. Please send us a message to get further details.

Can I request custom code development?

If you are looking for specific capabilities or specific model developments, we can collaborate with you and set up a project. Please contact us for further details.

Is there a learning material available to get started?

Our team has prepared a course to introduce users to simulations in tribology field and use of TriboSolver. The course can be taught online and will take around 8 hours to complete. On request we can tailor the course for the customer needs. Please contact us for futher details.